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West London Free School - Kensington Primary Academy

The Knowledge Schools Trust

We aim to provide children with a classical liberal education, regardless of background or ability.

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Reception Applications for 2024/25

Admissions for places in September 2024 are now closed.  You can read our policies here:

2024-25 Reception Admissions Policy

2025-26 Reception Admissions Policy

The admissions arrangements of the Kensington Primary Academy fully comply with the School Admissions Code and admissions law.  The school is open to anyone and is non-selective. 

For the 2025-26 intake there will be 30 places in Reception and 30 full- time places in the Nursery.  

Pupil Premium

The school has set aside 30% of places in Reception in 2024-25 for children eligible for the Pupil Premium.  If you think you fall in to this category, please fill out this form and send it to kpa@wlfs-primary.org during the application window (1st September - 15th January).  This is as well as applying in the normal way, not instead of.

In Year Admissions

Should you wish to apply for an in-year place, please complete this form and return it to the School Office with the necessary accompanying documentation.


The school has set aside 20% of places in Nursery in 2024-25 for children eligible for the Pupil Premium. To apply for a Nursery place in September 2024 please complete this application form and return it to the school.  The Nursery day core hours are from 9am until 3pm. You can read our policies here:

2024-25 Nursery Admissions Policy

2025-26 Nursery Admissions Policy 

30 Hour Code Eligibility

To qualify, each parent (or the sole parent in a single parent family) will need to earn, on average, at least the equivalent of 16 hours on the national minimum wage per week (currently £115.20 per week for over 25s), and no more than  £100,000 per year. 

If you would like to check if you do qualify for this you can do so here.

To apply for the 30 hour code you must do so the summer term before the children start with us in September please see the table attached for more information here.

To apply for the code please find the link here.

Paying for your Nursery Fees

Our Nursery fees for the academic year 2024-25 are £125.00 per week (term time only) and they are paid via Arbor.  

Admissions Appeals


 If the Kensington Primary Academy is oversubscribed, it’s published oversubscription criteria are used to decide the order in which applicants will be offered places. If you have not been offered a place for Reception 2024 and would like to appeal, please read the following Appeal Dates & Information Leaflet,  Appeals Booklet and complete the following form:

Reception Appeals Form

Please do NOT use ANY other appeal form or send your form to your local authority.  Those applying for a place in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 are advised to read the section in the appeal’s booklet which refer to Reception, years 1 and 2.

Timescale for Reception 2024 appeals:

  • Deadline for parents to lodge their appeal: 16th May  2024
  • Appellants will get at least 10 school days (14 calendar days) notice of the hearing date
  • Appellants will be set a deadline to submit additional evidence and for the clerk to send papers to panel and parties
  • Decision letters will be sent out within 5 school days (7 calendar days) of the date of the last appeal to be heard


If the Kensington Primary Academy is oversubscribed, it’s published oversubscription criteria are used to decide the order in which applicants will be offered places.  If you have not been offered a place and would like to appeal, please read the following Appeal Guidance for Parents and complete the following form: 

Reception-Year 2 Appeals Form

Year 3-Year 6 Appeals Form

Please note, the deadline for lodging an appeal is 20 school days after you have been informed we are unable to offer your child a place at the school. You MUST state the reasons for your appeal and supply documentary evidence at this stage. Appeals are held within 30 school days of receipt of the appeal form.