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West London Free School - Kensington Primary Academy

The Knowledge Schools Trust

We aim to provide children with a classical liberal education, regardless of background or ability.

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Personal, Social and Relationship Education (PSHE)

Personal, Social and Relationship Education (PHSE)

Our PSHE curriculum provides our pupils with the knowledge, understanding, skills and strategies needed to succeed in life. It aims to develop the whole child through carefully planned and sequenced lessons that protect and enhance our pupils’ physical and mental wellbeing, provide the knowledge and skills on how to stay safe and be healthy, build and sustain positive healthy relationships and how to become active, responsible citizens, who contribute to the school, local community, and wider society.  

Through our PSHE curriculum and phase assemblies, pupils learn about the importance of our school values: being kind, inclusive, scholarly, inspired, and resilient. Our PSHE curriculum celebrates diversity and equality of opportunity. This allows our pupils to develop an appreciation of others and respect differences. The curriculum provides all pupils with the appropriate and essential safeguarding knowledge to ensure they know how to ask for help. Cross curricular links are made between subjects where appropriate, for example, how to be safe online during computing sessions and changes to the human body during science.   

Our PSHE curriculum is based on the SCARF programme and PSHE Association, and follows the three core areas of Health Education, Relationship Education and Wider PSHE. It also meets the requirements of the 2020 Statutory Relationship and Health Education so all pupils are able understand and build positive, safe, and healthy relationships both now and in the future.  


An important aspect of our PSHE Curriculum is taught through the Health and Relationships strand. There are four main aims of our Relationship and Sex Education strand: 

  • To enable pupils to understand and respect their bodies
  • To know how to develop and sustain positive and healthy relationships 
  • To support pupils’ self-esteem and positive body image 
  • To empower pupils to feel safe  

Each year group is taught according to their age and development.  Below is a summary of the progression of RSE in the curriculum: 

  • EYFS – Growing up – how we changed since being a baby
  • KS1 – asking for permission, boys’ and girls’ bodies, naming body parts and respecting privacy (which parts of the body are private), appropriate physical contact 
  • LKS2 – asking for permission, personal boundaries, appropriate and inappropriate touch 
  • UKS2 - asking for permission, personal boundaries, appropriate and inappropriate touch, the physical and emotional changes boys and girls go through during puberty, menstruation and menstrual wellbeing. 

RSE and PSHE Curriculum Overview

RSE and PSHE Policy